Our Activities
Introducing Islamic Culture and Islamic values to anyone interested is one of the main priorities for Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”.
Providing the indefinite range of compatriots with verified and objective information about Islam and Muslims helps overcome the prejudice, phobias and negative stereotypes circulating in the society.
That is why the doors of all our mosques are always open for everyone interested in learning about Islam directly from the followers of this religion.
We stand for Islam without extremes and radicalism. Islamic principle of al-Vasatyyah (moderation) is the core value of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”. We stand for preservation and revival of Ukrainian Muslims’ Islamic identity; of our religion, ethics, spirituality and culture, but at the same time we respect the other religions, cultures and traditions.
We stand against discrimination, extremism, hate and violence. Islam is the religion of love and peace, and Muslims must be the role models for spirituality, morals, culture and tolerance.
Religious and Charitable Activities
Communities of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” have their own mosques or prayer halls and perform a full cycle of Islamic religious ceremonies. All imams of the RAMU “Umma” underwent religious training and have at least basic education in Islamic theology. Most of the imams got a degree at Islamic Theology Departments of Universities, Institutes or Islamic Schools and are fluent in several foreign languages. Fluency in Arabic is required primarily, for it is the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Muslim prayers.
Imams with a University degree in Islamic Theology are involved in a specialized Shariah Committee which is entitled to solving complex Shariah matters, issuing fatwas, publishing and examination of Islamic religious literature, examination of edibles as to find if those are eligible to be certified as halal. They also help the Ukrainian pilgrims prepare for and perform Hajj, maintain interfaith dialogue, etc.
Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” is a member of the Council of Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine, a representative and advisory body.
- Ramadan. Targeted grocery aid for the needy families, joint iftars, spiritual and educational programmes.
- Qurban on Eid al-Adha. Collecting meet of sacrificial animals and distributing it among the needy.
- Sadaqa. Collecting donations in money, food, household thing, warm clothing and blankets in cooperation with both Ukrainian and foreign organisations, and distributing that help among the needy.
International Activities
In 2009, delegates from the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” were a part of the official delegation of Ukrainian Muslims visiting the Ministry of Hajj of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and signing a number of official agreements on terms for performing Hajj by Ukrainian Muslims.
Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” works hand in glove with Muslim organisations from abroad, and has signed Treaties of Amity and Cooperation with such foreign institutions as Religious Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Belarus, Laga Islamica din Moldova, Georgian Muslims Union and Lithuanian Muslims Union; and also is a frequent participant of scale international conferences in Muslim countries.
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