A truck minivan from Muslimehelfen is already delivering humanitarian aid



The Islamic charitable foundation Muslimehelfen e.V. from Germany, which for nine years has supported hundreds of low-income families in several regions of Ukraine, helped with purchasing a truck minivan for the volunteer initiative “Wings of Victory”. This initiative was established from the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine by the mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” Said Ismagilov.

For many years, the RAMU “Umma” together with the Congress of Ukrainian Muslims in cooperation with Muslimehelfen e.V. implemented a number of projects to support Muslim families, that are in need in different regions of Ukraine. Food products, warm clothes, coal and firewood were disturbed every year in settlements, where there was no central heating system.

Despite the Russian invasion, representatives of the RAMU “Umma” and the Congress of Ukrainian Muslims continued supporting the fellow believers. Mufti Said Ismagilov established the volunteer initiative “Wings of Victory” and from the beginning of the war has provided humanitarian aid to internally displaced people and low-income families. To make this work easier, volunteers needed transportation. Muslimehelfen e.V. responded to the mufti’s request and helped with purchasing a truck minivan, in which volunteers are already delivering humanitarian aid to those who need it.

Mufti Said Islmagilov thanked the Muslimehelfen e.V. foundation and its founder Ahmad von Denffer.