Severodonetsk Muslim community joined “Feed the Hungry” on 15 December 20194 on that day, they fed 16 poeple. Those poor people had their full meals and hot tea, and the organizers decided to make the benefit a weekly one and lay the table each...
On Saturday, 1 February, Ukraine's Minister of Defence Andrii Zahorodniuk met Mufti Said Ismagilov and Head of Ukrainian Muslims Military Chaplains Murad Putylin. At the meeting, matters of providing Mulsim military personnel with respective moral...
At the briefing on the raid after the Kyiv ICC mosque parishioners (on 31 January 2020), held at Information Agency “Ukrainski Novyny” on 3 February, the official position of Ukrainian Ombudsman, Ms.Liudmyla Denisova, was announced. Deputy Ombudsman...
Today, on 5 February, MP Yaroslav Yurchyshyn (“Holos” Party) spoke from the Parliament’s rostrum on a raid carried out by the enforcement near Kyiv ICC mosque on 31 January as of act of disrespect and dishonour, while their job, on the contrary, was...
Mr.Denys Koliada, Counselor to the Minister of Culture, took part in the breefing held by RAMU “Umma” on the raid on possible illegal migrants, held by the National Police and the State Migration Service on Friday, 31 January, when Muslims were on...
It’s been several years already since Muhammad Asad Islamic Cultural Center (Lviv) launched cooperation with Volyn Detention Centre for Illegal Migrants, has been supporting the detainees with both spiritual advice and treats, books, clothing,...
On 15-18 December Mufti Said Ismagilov participated in an International Seminar on the Amman Message of King Abdullah II. The Message, proclaimed in 2004, calls for Muslims all over the Globe...
On 12 December, about 200 representatives of Zaporizhzhia’s various religious communities gathered at Volodymyr Mahar Theatre in order to celebrate another Ukraine's Eastern Region Prayer Breakfast. Besides delegates from other religious...
In the evening of 4 December, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited the country’s spiritual leaders in order to hear their spiritual valediction on the threshold of a very important and difficult meeting in the Normandy format. Speaking about the...
Zaporizhzhia Muslims wanted to mark the ongoing month of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) birth with some good cause. So even before the Rabbi al-Awwal began, they made up their minds that it would be helping the poor with...
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