On 27 March the online meeting of the Ukrainian Center for Fatwa and Research was held, according to the website of the Religious Administration “Umma”. In the discussion of urgent questions, imams from Kyiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Dnipro gathered...
On March 11, a meeting of the Ukrainian Center for Fatwas and Research took place in Kyiv. It was attended by:
1) Said Ismagilov, the mufti of RAMU "Ummah";
2) Seyran Aryfov, Master of Sharia Sciences, specialist in usul-fiqh;
3) Shadi Othman,...
On the last Friday of Ramadan, the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine, delivered 50 grocery packs to RAMU “Umma” for their further distribution among the needy Muslim families. 50 packs of overall, each one containing flour, sunflower oil...
On 22 April we had a pleasant surprise to greet Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Malaysia to Ukraine (concurrently also accredited to Georgia) H. E. Dato’ Raja Reza Raja Zaib Shah. Mr.Ambassador explained that his diplomatic mission...