At 12:30 of 24 July, last tributes were paid and funeral prayer (janazah) was held over Shamil (Semen) Rumygin (1997-2019), a soldier of 25th Airborne Brigade, who, along with his partner Mykyta Snitchenko, was killed by a guerilla landmine near the...
RAMU “Umma” is happy to inform you that we just received a scanned copy of the second edition of a Draft new State Standard for capturing black-and-white and coloured images for ID purposes; the hard copy is to be delivered in the nearest days.
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam! I congratulate us all upon the completion of the Holy month of Ramadan, and arrival of the great fast-breaking holiday Eid al-Fitr!
Allah Almighty said: “... complete the period and to glorify Allah for...
Dear Ukrainian Muslims, dear brothers and sisters!
I congratulate you upon the arrival of the Holy and Blessed month of Ramadan, which is a great Mercy from Allah Almighty. For this is a very special period when sins are forgiven and good deeds are...
On 2 May, Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov, along with Mufti of RAMC Aider Rustamov and Head of SCUAUA “Alraid” Seyran Aryfov took part in the meeting of Ukrainian Muslim leaders and President-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
Mr.Zelenskiy gave the...
On 2-4 April, Kharkiv hosted an International Research and Practice Conference “Touring Business and Existential Soul Searching”, held by Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv City Hall’s Department of...
On 4 April, students of Ivano-Frankivsk Ivan Zolotousty Academy had an opportunity to meet Sheikh Said Ismagilov, Mufti of Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma”, and Mr. Ameen Al-Kasem, Head of Lviv Muhammad Asad Islamic Cultural...
On 13 March, the official opening of photo exhibition “AMINA: LIFE” took place, hosted by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The exhibition was dedicated to Ms.Amina Okueva, who lost her life in an assassination attempt on 30 October 2017,...
Our heartfelt condolences go to New Zealand, where horrible crimes were carried out earlier today. 49 people have been shot dead and 48 injured in attacks at two mosques (6 km apart) during Friday prayers in Christchurch, the worst mass shooting in...
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