Statement of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Ummah” regarding the latest events in Palestine



The occupation of the Palestinian territories has been going on for decades. All this time, on a sacred land to Abrahamic religions, the oppression and persecution, apartheid policy against Muslim Arabs and Christians, and deprivation of their rights and freedoms do not stop. The absence of a just resolution to the conflict leads to an even greater escalation, growing hatred, intolerance and an increasing number of civilian victims every year. Another surge of violence in the blessed land is the result of all previous escalations and decades of injustice.

We are anxiously watching the events in Palestine. Muslims of Ukraine know well what it is like to be expelled from their native land, and persecuted for their beliefs. We know how difficult the struggle for our rights and freedoms is. The Almighty has given all people the right to live with dignity and freedom in their homeland, raise children and profess their faith, and everyone can defend this right.

We condemn any manifestations of racial, national, or religious intolerance or persecution due to faith or worldview. We are against the killing of unarmed civilians, against injustice and oppression, against humiliation and torture.

We pray for an early end to the violence and suffering of all innocent people in the blessed land of Palestine. May the Almighty protect children, women, the elderly and all those who cannot protect themselves. We ask that peace and justice finally reign in this long-suffering land.