Minister of Defence Meets Mufti and Chief Muslim Military Chaplain



On Saturday, 1 February, Ukraine's Minister of Defence Andrii Zahorodniuk met Mufti Said Ismagilov and Head of Ukrainian Muslims Military Chaplains Murad Putylin. At the meeting, matters of providing Mulsim military personnel with respective moral and spiritual guidance through the work of Ukrainian Muslims Military Chaplains.

Mr.Putylin and Sheikh Said spoke about the experience of RAMU “Umma” Imams serving as military chaplains at the frontline, and also mentioned that they were basically the only Muslim military chaplain serving at the frontline.

Promoting interests of Muslim personnel, the Mufti and the Chief Chaplain inquired about the possibility of providing Muslim personnel with Halal (or at least fish or vegetarian) C-rations, as Muslims don’t eat non-halal meat.

The chaplains also presented the Minister with a Ukrainian translation of meanings of the Holy Qur’an, as well as with a copy of a book by Mykhaylo Yakubovych “Ukrainian Muslims on Maidan and in the ATO zone” (in Ukrainian).